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What is META SUMMIT 24' ?

What is META SUMMIT 24' ?
Let's take a closer look at what META Summit is, the only student summit of our university.

META SUMMIT, the only student summit of our university, is jointly organized by our University's Career and Development and Economy and Finance clubs.

This distinguished summit includes the emerging sub-headings in the fields of Marketing, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Technology and Leadership, the developments in these topics and the future of the developments; It is a summit program that aims to examine it together with experts in their fields and deliver it to our friends who are interested in the mentioned fields and plan to progress, develop and have a career in these fields.

We are planning to hold the second of our program, the first of which was held in 2022, on Tuesday, May 7, 2024. One of the most important purposes of our summit is to bring together industry and experienced names and our successful student population who will have potential new careers. Before the limited tickets run out, Take your place in this program, where valuable speakers will give speeches and convey information on certain topics.